
Shallot-Cucumber Marmalade

shallot2This marmalade goes excellent with for instance fish cakes.
Also try it with lamb burgers.

Ingredients for the shallot-cucumber marmalade:
185g shallots
25g butter
500g water
60g white wine vinegar
100g sugar
7g salt
1 cucumber, halved lengthwise and seeded
Black Pepper

How to make the shallot-cucumber marmalade:
Cut the shallots into small dice. In a medium saucepan bring shallots, butter, water, vinegar, sugar and salt to a simmer over medium heat. Simmer until ingredients have cooked down and liquid have evaporated. Line a cake rack or tray with grease-proof paper. Spread the mixture onto the paper and chill well in the fridge.

Put the mixture into a bowl. Cut the cucumber into small dice. Fold into the chilled shallot mixture. Season with black pepper.
